I’m just a girl standing in a doorway, looking forward, I could look back but it’s a waste of time. I’ve loved one man in my life; I’ve loved him for three years. He will always be there for me. I’m dating a boy, he’s sweet, he’s kind he’s something like I’ve never seen before. I’m a girl who loves her family, I’m a girl who loves her friends, and I’ll protect them till the day I die. As my friend once told me my friends are my candles, they will guide me threw the dark times, so never forget your candles they will burn bright for you in your darkest times. My heart has grown weak over the years. I am incapable to cut people off, you can break my heart and I still won’t hate you, If you where my friend once you will always be my friend, The only way you can lose my friendship is if you lose my respect you lose my trust. I’m just a girl, looking forward on what life has to offer, that’s right a girl, I may be surrounded by guys, I may only have a few chick friends but I’m still a girl, I ‘m still a fragile girl. I act tough, I act mean, but don’t let that fool you I can be mean, I can be tough. I’m short, so I make up for that by being loud, I’m quite when I’m thinking, when I’m writing or when I’m sleeping. I like to drink, I drink with guys, girls are to emotional, even though I have had about 3 guys tell me they love me when they are drunk, I cant drink with certain people. I’m a quitter; I’ve quit smoking and weed. Most of the time I wish I hadn’t quit. I enjoyed smoking but seeing my dad rot away from smoking convinced me to quit for my future. I loved being stoned it made me smile when I was sad even though it was a fake smile. I’ve tried to mess myself up just because I was bored, just because my life wasn’t going my way. I’m done with that. I’ve switched my life around many times, this time I want to change my life, I want to because a wild child that knows when to stop, knows when to draw the line. My world spins, I’m standing here in this doorway, should I walk threw or pick another door to go threw and live threw.