Your touch
My unfinished thought.
I see you before I sleep.
I think of you well I sleep.
Only to be awaken by your touch.
My unfinished thought.
From this moment on, I love you.
All your shit is packed up.
In a heart beat I would cry if you were to leave me. Now that your gone my heart is saddened, my eyes tear. Days go by my eyes grow tired of crying. I miss you all the same but my eyes are out of tears. At first I wanted to change where I lived to live closer to you. At first I thought you cared as much about me as I cared about you. At first the pain in my heart wouldn't go away. At first you were the only thought in my head. At first I would have changed my world for you. Now I know we both have lost feelings, we don't care less, we just care differently. Now I know if I saw you everyday I might not feel the same. Right now I could have grown to hate you, or I could have grown to love you more then ever before. Now I know the pain won't go away but I can look back and remember the good times with a smile not a broken heart. Now I know you will always be a thought in my head but other thoughts will be there too. Now I know my world has changed because of you, not for you.