To you I owe my love
I was once broken in pieces
No matter who tried to fix me
I still layed broken
Time went by pain grew
Then you came along. I was confused
I was scared, I was unsure
Being hurt before so much before I didn't know
could my heart go threw this again?
Almost whole again, I had to break myself
Only then could I come back to you
And love you with all my heart
Only then could I truly give my self to you
Body, Mind, Heart Soul I am yours
Your voice your smile even your laugh
That is why I love you that is why I smile
A true smile happiness
To have a good friend of mine look at me
Look me in the eyes and say
"You really are happy this time aren't you"
All I could do was smile and and laugh
I am really truly happy, only because I love you
Everyday that goes on I love you more
I once said love is overrated and useless
But in truth love cant be rated
Not yours at least so pure so true
You said you loved honesty in some one no matter what
well no matter what I honestly love you
Threw all the things that have happened
Only you could be the one by my side
You listened and understood me when most
most would have turned there back
Walked away and never looked back
When I'm sad and crying you are there by my side
You tell me you love me and it will be ok
Even when you don't know what will happen
So many nights I sat up thinking how could I
How could I hurt you
By what miracle are you still standing her
I've done all I could to push you away
Just to see if I could scare you away
And stay away from commitment witch I fear
Some how you never left and I couldn't let you leave
Some say its just kids in lust
But, I trust you with my heart, my soul
Most importantly I trust you with my body
My tainted fragile beautiful body
I wish some things could be different
My body tainted, my body my temple. Tainted
You still see the tears I cry because of it
These tainted tears cried by my tainted body
You kiss them away with kisses of love, with you it all seems
It seems like a bad dream, pain felt in another life
With you the pain is almost nearly gone
With all the the love love your kisses offer
In all those little moments where you make me smile
Make me laugh, make me cry, I love you all the more
I hope I am your prefect your everything
For you are my everything
You are my skinny white boy wanna be gangster
You are my cook that wont cook, my embarrassment show off
You are my perfect, nothing that I could imagine
Better then I could imagine