From baseball to RIP to you moving
You have been so close for so long
We where inseparable
Now three years have come and gone
I've been so lonely
Where it was once just a walk across the street
Its now a flight around the world
There's not a childhood memory that your not in
Christmas, birthdays, Toy runs,
Skipping out on people houses, running away,
Making fun of people, fathers hating us,
Best of all making girls cry, you know the one I'm talking about
I cant think of my childhood with out thinking of you
Missing you, you where my everything
My escape, ya we had are fights
But at the end of the day,
You where the one that was always there
I miss that, I miss the walk across the street
Most of all, I miss you
carolyn, this is a beautiful ode to luke. i hope you are able to talk with him... i've really appreciated your e-mails and the way you've been so faithful to OUR friendship even tho we're now miles apart. God bless!
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